Entdecke die Einheit von Körper, Geist und Seele: Dein ganzheitliches Yoga- Erlebnis für ein Leben in Balance und Gesundheit
Moderne Yoga-Praxis trifft fundiertes medizinisches Wissen und traditionelle chinesische Medizin

Holistic Wellbeing
Entdecke ein angenehmes Gefühl der Harmonie und Zufriedenheit in Deinem Körper.
Integrative Health
Erlebe die perfekte Synergie aus modernem Yoga, neuesten Medizinischen Erkenntnissen und traditioneller chinesischer Medizin für ganzheitliche Gesundheit auf höchstem Niveau.
Mind-Body Harmony
Stärke die tiefgreifende Balance zwischen körperlichem Wohlbefinden und mentaler Klarheit und verbessere Dein gesamtes Wohlbefinden nachhaltig.

Ativo Yoga is a modern interpretation of classical Eight-limbed or Hatha-Raja Yoga, deeply rooted in ethical precepts that includes elements of flowing Vinyasa, inversions and held poses that will help you to discover concentration and meditation.
Find the right class for you.
To continue making yoga accessible to everyone we offer classes online, in-person at our studio (mask required), and outdoors.
Afterwork Yoga
Private Yoga
Corporate Yoga
Qi Gong

There’s a class for everyone, come find yours.

Join our gold-standard Teacher Training Online this fall.

Are you interested in learning more about the effect of trauma on the mind & body?
As a yoga teacher, have you had a students’ trauma triggered during one of your classes? Get the resources and tools you need to act appropriately when this happens.
- Monday, July 19 at 6:00PM EST
Meet our people.
Amanda Johson
Hatha Trainer
Marguerite is a Yoga Instructor from New Hampshire. She attended Ithaca College, where she earned a degree in clinical exercise science

Choose the most comfortable way to train.
Going Deeper with Ativo community.
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- Meditation
- Yoga styles
- Yoga poses
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Yoga Shop.
Our Yoga Collection is made from Certified Organic Cotton, ensuing strict social and environmental standards.
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